Art & Edits


Please note that these are estimates, subject to change.
Keep in mind that custom, unique art is a luxury item.

basic: 3 USD
complex: 5+ USD

price is PER character
bust: 15 - 20 USD
full body: 20 - 35 USD
sketch (no or minimal colour): 5 - 10 USD
depends on size of sketch...bust/full body/etc
icon set A-
set of 2-3, one image w/ alternate colours): 5 USD
icon set B-
set of 2-3 with different images (can be complimentary to match with your friends/partners): 10 - 15 USD

Terms & Conditions

I will draw or edit any anime, animated show, or game!
(it does not have to be bungo stray dogs).
I can also draw Pokemon & OCs (if you have a reference of the OC)!
For examples of my art, please see my twitter (click the bird icon below).

Please contact me via Twitter DM to arrange your commission.

Payment is easiest for me through ko-fi but I do have PayPal and am willing to discuss other options (the payment must be money; I don't mean that kind of "options")

♡If I feel I cannot satisfactorily fulfill your request, I reserve the right to decline a contract. (probably the case for subjects such as furries, mecha, muscley men)
♡If I feel uncomfortable with the subject matter, I reserve the right to decline a contract. (racism, transphobia, non-con, etc.)
♡NSFW commissions are only available for 18+ clients. All characters involved must be 18+ as well. Currently, I only draw NSFW women.
♡Unless explicitly stated in our contract, your commissioned piece is for PERSONAL USE ONLY. ABSOLUTELY NO RESELLING. You may, of course, post it on your social media(s) with proper credits to me.
♡Half the total agreed payment is due up-front. I will tell you when to submit as I won't require it until I'm about to start your piece. The other half is due when I finish the piece. Your payment is the start of our contract.
♡By sending the initial payment, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.
♡Personal information (such as name, email) will only be used to fulfill the contract and will not be given to anyone else for any reason. This applies to both yours and mine.